We are your team

Find out why you should work with us.

You want to know who your future colleagues could be? Then read on and get to know the people behind Cloudflake GmbH!

I make sure everything works.


"No matter what, I am there: for my colleagues, our customers or partners. Together with Flo, I launched Cloudflake GmbH in 2021 and today I am very happy about it: Finally, I can shape my own company and move it forward. With Flo at my side, almost nothing can go wrong, as we complement each other perfectly. I lead the network team, coordinate the collaboration of external and internal colleagues, plan tasks and make sure deadlines are met. My core business? I advise my customers on everything to do with networks and build IT infrastructures so that data can move smoothly and securely from A to B within a network. I am passionately committed to our customers. I'm sure it never gets boring, because our projects are varied. Every day is exciting. Why do I like being a Cloudflake? Because we are a team without ifs and buts. We tackle challenges together, constantly evolve and stick together."

I love the challenge.


"I have already worked in many companies and done a wide variety of jobs. Now I have arrived. At Cloudflake, I can do what I love: solve complex challenges. I immerse myself in my customers' problems and find a suitable solution. My customer has a special request? I look at the current situation and make a suggestion for improvement, for example, on how large companies can better manage work devices, install software on all work devices quickly and easily, or how to keep track of licenses. Why do I like being a Cloudflake? Because I get to work in a friendly team. I don't have colleagues, I have friends. We just get along. In addition, I get to take care of a wide variety of projects, innovative ideas are always welcome. It never gets boring there."

I get to be part of shaping a young IT company.


"You want to work for us? Then I'm your contact person. I take care of personnel and hiring at Cloudflake. I publish job postings, talk to applicants and find their potential. I also build up our internal structures, look for new useful tools and support when I am needed in projects. In the future, I will take over cloud consulting and advise our customers on how to bring their business to the cloud. I am at Cloudflake because I can work there in a self-determined and flexible way. In addition, I have known and appreciated Flo for many years. Flo stands for flat hierarchies, cooperation at eye level and openness to new ideas. Here I can get involved, shape my job myself and actively support an innovative IT company in its development."

In every IT hides a better one.


"For a long time, I dreamed of my own company: Finally, I wanted to shape everything the way I had often wanted it to be with my previous employers. Better cooperation, respectful interaction with customers and in the team, and excellent work - in short, I wanted to be better - for customers and employees. So I looked for allies and founded Cloudflake GmbH together with Axel on July 12, 2021. Today, I am very happy about this. Because I am more than just the owner: I keep customers, employees and service providers together, manage a wide variety of projects and make sure that everyone has what he or she needs. At Cloudflake we are a team. With each other, for each other and as far as our feet can carry us. We keep our hierarchies flat and our team spirit high. Why should you work with us? It's simple: We are a young, innovative team. We want more - together with you. But above all: we don't treat everyone the same, but we treat everyone fairly."

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